(PartiallyPolitics.com) – Katy Tur, a host for MSNBC, suggested Vice President Kamala Harris and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer run as an all-female ticket.
In an on-air conversation with fellow MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, Tur questioned Scarborough about his thoughts on a “full female ticket, a Harris-Whitmer ticket.”
Tur elaborated that Democrats should “just go big… and push back… on all that machismo energy” from the Republican National Convention. She highlighted moments like Hulk Hogan appearing on stage and former President “Donald Trump yelling ‘fight, fight, fight,'” to emphasize that the GOP had a “very masculine ticket.”
Then, concluded by querying whether the Democrats should go with “two women?”
Pro-wrestling icon Hulk Hogan spoke at the RNC late Thursday evening before Trump delivered his acceptance speech for the party’s nomination.
Alex Thompson, an Axios reporter, made a similar suggestion.
On “CNN This Morning” on Monday, Thompson suggested Harris “pick another woman,” pointing to Whitmer as the choice Harris should make.
Thompson said that Democrats could create a contrast between “Hulk Hogan and the chair of the UFC” who introduced Trump at the RNC by making the contest a “boys versus girls.”
Since President Joe Biden’s announcement on Sunday, Harris has been working to consolidate support from the Democratic Party for her entry into the Presidential race.
Although she hasn’t mentioned a running mate yet, pundits are floating Whitmer as a likely choice.
However, Tudor Dixon, former Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidate, suggested adding Whitmer to the ticket could be catastrophic for Democrats but “absolutely fantastic for us as Republicans.”
Dixon pointed to Whitmer’s debating weaknesses, suggesting she couldn’t stand her ground against Senator JD Vance.
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