DeSantis Cuts Ties With Who?

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

( – Governor DeSantis has severed ties with Friends of Ron DeSantis, his state political committee, ahead of his expected White House bid announcement.

This move was necessary for DeSantis if he is planning on launching a presidential campaign. According to the committee’s website the committee’s “associated person” was state Sen. Blaise Ingoglia (R) is the “associated person” and not the state’s governor.

On Friday during a press conference that marked the end of the Florida legislative session, DeSantis announced that he was going to be deciding his political future “relative soon.” At the same time, DeSantis had previously dismissed the media reports that wanted him to announce his presidential bid in May or June. 

Earlier this year DeSantis had also hinted that he would be waiting until Florida’s regular legislative session ended before making a decision on whether he would place a bid for the White House. The Florida legislature ended up passing a bill that would enable DeSantis to run for the White House while remaining the state’s governor during his campaign bid. Previously the state law required officials to retire from their office in order to run for a different one. However, under the new legislation, an exception was put in place for those who wanted to run for president and vice president.

DeSantis first created his political committee in 2019 in order to raise funds for his 2022 reelection campaign. However, the money already in place cannot be used in a federal election because of the limitations set forth on the amount that can be donated to a campaign.

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