Angry Conservatives Put Retailer Into Crisis Mode

Photo by Samuel Branch on Unsplash

( – Target stores in southern areas across the country moved many of the LGBTQ Pride merchandise to more conspicuous locations following the recent customer outrage relating to the “Bud Light situation.”

Normally, Target locations across the U.S. will have a large June Pride month display in their stores. This year the items in that section include “tuck friendly” bathing suits for transgender people, mugs with statements like “gender fluid” and several other displays. However, the retail store has faced some criticisms from conservatives about these complaints, with the children’s items in the section causing particular problems with some customers.

A Target insider revealed to Fox News Digital, that in some Target locations particularly in rural areas in the South, the section had been moved to a more conspicuous location so that the company could avoid facing a similar backlash to the one Bud Light recently received after featuring a transgender influencer in a promotional campaign.

On Friday, a Target insider pointed out that “emergency” calls were placed to some managers and district senior directors to have them make the Pride sections less apparent within 36 hours. They added that they had also been informed that the section should be moved to an area that was a third of the size and taken to the back of the store. They were also instructed to remove anything from mannequins or any large signage that was previously on display.

The insider has worked for Target for close to two decades and stated that it is rare for the corporation to make decisions with the same speed that they made this decision, and it was because of the amount of backlash they were facing from consumers about this section.

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