Navy, Army And Marines Lacking Critical Asset

Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

( – Due to Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) efforts to block the confirmation of over 300 senior military officers following the release of the Pentagon’s abortion policy, three military services currently do not have a Senate-confirmed leader.

On Monday, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday had to resign, which meant that the Army, Marines, and Navy now have acting heads rather than confirmed ones.

Lloyd Austin, the Defense Secretary, criticized the current situation, which has been ongoing for five months, pointing out that this hold has meant that for the first time in U.S. history, three military services did not have Senate-confirmed leaders. In a relinquishment ceremony at the U.S. Naval Academy, Austin pointed out that this was completely “unnecessary” and it was damaging the country’s “military readiness.”

President Biden has already nominated Adm. Lisa Franchetti, who if confirmed is going to become the first Navy leader to have been a woman. Until her confirmation, she is going to be performing the same role in an acting capacity.

The holdup has been caused by Tuberville’s decision to protest against the new Pentagon abortion policy which provides service members travel reimbursement and paid leave if they need to travel to a different state than the one they are stationed in, in order to get an abortion. Tuberville has claimed that this policy violates the Hyde Amendment which does not allow the usage of federal funds for abortions.

Austin however has claimed that this hold-up is blocking the military from retaining officers and being in its best shape.

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